TGC 4-H 3D Archery Shoot

TGC 4-H 3D Archery Shoot

Below you will find the registration form, and additional information, for the 2025 TGC 4-H 3D Archery Shoot. Should you have any questions, please email .

Event Date: April 5

Location: Tom Green 4-H Shooting Sports Complex (in front of new TGC jail)

Registration: 8:00 AM with a 9:00 AM start

Cost: Youth – $20 | Adults – $30



2025 TGC 4-H 3D Archery Shoot

Participant Contact Information

Please complete the form for EACH individual that will be participating.
Participant Name(Required)
Example: Tom Green, Runnels, Concho, etc.
Only fill out if different than county of rescidence.

Contest Registration

Please complete the form for EACH individual that will be participating.
Age Division(Required)

Additional Purchases

Please put the TOTAL number of meals and raffle tickets you would like to purchase. If you are completing this form multiple times, please do not double RSVP for meals/raffle tickets.
Please put TOTAL number of meals needed. Lunch: Sausage Warp, chips, drink, cookie
Price: $10.00
Please put the TOTAL number of tickets wanted.
Price: $1.00

Payment Option

How do you plan to pay for your registration?(Required)
You may pay prior to the event or at the event.


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