Through the 4-H program there are many scholarship opportunities, please see the list below for a few of them.
Harry & Mary Clark Holt Scholarship
The Harry and Mary Clark Holt Scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior or a person who has just completed their freshman year in College. An applicant can receive this scholarship only one time. Applicant must be or have been a member of 4-H, FFA, or FCCLA in the Big Country.
Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarship
Texas 4-H Opportunity Scholarships are academic scholarships awarded each year to applicants based on their academic record, 4-H experience, and financial need. Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to award over $2.5 MILLION in scholarships to over 200 4-H members.
Texas Extension Education Association Scholarship
Statewide Application for each of the 12 District Associations. A $1,500 scholarship is available and winners will be announced at the Spring Board Meetings of the district and honored at Texas 4-H Roundup. DUE TO THE OFFICE BY FEBRUARY 15th.
Tom Green County Extension Education Association Scholarship
Tom Green County Extension Association offers a $300 scholarship to a state University, Junior College or Technical school for Tom Green 4-H members only. Applicants must complete an application and follow guideline submissions. Submissions are due June 1 for the fall semester and in January for the spring semester.
Tom Green 4-H Scholarship Foundation – Baccalaureate
Scholarships will be awarded to graduating high school senior 4-Hers who have been a member in good standing with the County 4-H program for the last 4 years. Scholarship selection will consist of leadership and personal development through 4-H; community and school participation and the student’s desire to continue their education by attending an accredited institution of higher learning: university, community college, trade or technical school in the fall following judging.
Tom Green 4-H Scholarship Foundation – Collegiate
Scholarships will be awarded to individuals that previously received a foundation scholarship and have completed their freshman year of college. More information to come
Tom Green County 4-H National & State Level Leadership Opportunity Financial Assistance Application
Merit and/or need-based application will be considered. Each youth applying will need to FULLY complete the application, incomplete applications will not be reviewed. All information provided will remain confidential within the committee. To apply, you must be an ACTIVE Tom Green 4-H member. Applications need to be submitted two weeks prior to the event/program and turned into the County Extension Office. If you are in need of the Word document version please email Hayley at .
Tom Green County 4-H Project Grant Funding
As funding available to 4-H members and clubs for project activities. Proposal Application should be completed in full for submission to committee with information to include the scope of the project, summary of budget and timeline and other information based on the request.