County Roundup

Tom Green 4-H County Roundup

Here is where you will register for County Roundup one registration is open (will open February 1).  This is where you will also find additional resources following our Roundup 101 Workshop.


TGC 4-H County Roundup

Registration Deadline: February 24th by 5:00 PM

Contest Date: March 6 | TGC 4-H Building OR District 7 Research Center | Time: TBD

Contest Offered

4-H Talent Showcase | Educational Presentations | Public Speaking

Roundup 101 Workshop

Roundup 101 Workshop:  Recording


When submitting entries below, please make sure that you receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation, your registration may not have been successfully submitted. Please note that if you wait until after the February 24 deadline to inquire about your entries and they were not received, a late fee will apply.


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